D&D Character Art Commission WIP

Haven’t shared any of the various WIPs or finished illustrations lately, so while in the midst of wrapping one up… here’s one for Natasha Kerensky, human anti-Paladin of Lolth.

Mostly happy with it enough to bring it over to Lightroom… there are a few elements I know an art director would get on my case about (“those buckles look cool but they make no sense!” etc) but also, you know. Fuck it, they look cool.

Letting some of the under-sketching/painting show through in spots, as is my want. Like a lot of my digital art lately, the workflow incorporates the tools I’ve been working with forever as well as “AI” that’s still in beta.

Whatever gets the job done and keeps the dopamine flowing.

D&D character art commission

3/4 Portrait

D&D Character Art Commission

Portrait / Closeup


The AI made me do it.


A painting is never finished…